Monday, November 13, 2006

damn blogger

Blogger made me move everything over to Google today. Actually they didn't 'make' me...but in any event shit's getting switched and it's affected my ability to post. Hopefully this will make it out to the net.

As you may have well figured out, I do my best to protect me idenity under the pen name Flick. While most of you still know who I am, it still leaves me enough plausible deniability should someone try to use this blog against me at work again...those bastards.

This leads to some confusion for those of you who don't know who I am. Occassionally I get emails at speculating who I might be. For the record I just wanted to clear the air and say, once and for all, and despite the resemblance, I am not this guy...

1 comment:

Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

That guy rocks.

He's the friggin' jerry cooney of basketball.