Monday, October 20, 2008


You know, I start to feel good about things. I start to get a little bit of hope for the country and a little bit of enthusiasm that we all might be turning the corner to a more reasonable discussion, and then I see crap like this.

YO DEMOCRATS ! You're a little class. Show a little dignity. Show a little leadership. I mean goddamn, it tough enough for me to vote democrat as it is, please don't make me stay home on election day or force me to write in Ron Paul.

I suspect this would be less annoying if it wasn't for the fact that these pictures are coming from the Lancaster County Democratic site. They're encouraging and celebrating this ignorance.

I wonder if this frustration is what its like to be a cubs fan ?


Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

Why does it surprise you that Democrats are acting like losers, too.

Democrats/Repuglicans, its all the same thing. Partisan idiots are just that.

More interesting - this photo is taken right down the street from that flop house we used to live at on Frederick Street where you slept on the couch for 6 months.


Lucky said...

6 months ?!

I arrived the first week in January and was in the hospital before the first day of spring.

Although I suppose having a homeless guy on your couch would be annoying enough to make any perioud of time seem like at least 6 months.