Monday, October 20, 2008

sunday bloody sunday

Saturday night, without intending to, I got myself shitfaced drunk....again...on accident.

So this meant another horrid Sunday, sick as a dog with a days full of activities on the docket. I figured the only hope I might have would be to exercise it out.

I woke, ate a fistfull of ibuprofin and vitamins, chugged a cup of coffee, and went for a brisk ride with my wife and her friend. This did wonders for working the ibuprofin and coffee out of my system, but didn't do much for the hangover.

I took the boy to his football practice, then afterwards gave it another try and swam a mile. Terrible. No dice. Still had the headache and nausea, except now I smelled like chlorine.

Home, dinner, work around the house and played with the kids. Then I said screw it, and went for a 30 minute run...that turned into a jog, then that turned into a shuffling along the roadside like a vagrant. This of course was punctuated by brief forrays into the corn field to get rid the 3 full pots of coffee.

Finally got home sick as a dog, but still had to roast the pumpkin seeds with the kids. Did that then ate the roasted seeds with a little apple cider and VOILA !like a miracle the hangover left. Now some might say that it had worked itself out, so might say it was all the exercising, but 'some' don't know what the hell they're talking about. Pumpkin seeds and apple cider might actually be the cure for cancer.

In any case, I've given up the idea that I might be able to reign in my binge drinking, but I've committed myself to being the most fit guy on the liver transplant unit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you cure cancer with pumpkin seeds and apple cider, do you think Lance will abandon his comeback?