Monday, October 27, 2008

Mal-apropriate, chickens beware.

The youngest girl finds herself regularly confused and opinionated. Apparently another genetic gift from her dear old dad. Just this weekend.

- Hey Dad why don't you ever take me to Ohio ?
. Why would you want to go to Ohio, there's nothing to do there ?
- Yeah, that's the point. We can sit around on the beach and drink stuff out of coconuts.
. Wha ? Do you mean Hawaii ?
- Yeah, whatever. I just want a coconut.

- Hey Dad, you're being rather pandarthic.
. Pandarthic ? That's not even a word.
- See ?! That's exactly what I'm talking about.

- Hey Dad, what's with all these Irish people ?
. Huh ? You mean Mr. Daniels ?
- Mr. Dadi- ? I'm talking about THOSE people over there.
. You mean Amish ?
- Yeah, whatever. Anyway what's their deal. They all have farms.
. Well a lot of Amish are farmers. Many of them are farmers or carpenters.
- Am I going to have to be Amish ?
. Why ?
- Cause I'm going to be a farmer when I grow up.
. Oh. You can be a farmer without being Amish. And I didn't know you wanted to be a farmer.
- Yeah. I'm going to be a farmer and live no a farm and all my friends will be animals.
. Even the one's you eat ?
- ( no pause) Actually, I WILL have to lie to the chickens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
