Friday, October 03, 2008

perception is reality

Down home soccer mom, woman of the people - Todd Palin works for the London-based oil company BP as an oil-field production operator and owns a commercial fishing business. The Palins have an estimated combined net worth of $1.2 million.

Big mean old rich white senator dude - With a net worth between $59,000 and $366,000,and almost no outside income or investment income, he is consistently ranked as one of the least wealthy members of the Senate.


ridin at 4:20 said...

No investment income and barely any savings, yet he is supposed to fix our economy? I'm a little worried. Maybe Obama's love child Oprah will donate $250 million to help the poor and starving. I doubt she would even know it went away.

When are you coming back? We miss you over at riding to and from.

Lucky said...
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