Thursday, March 19, 2009

1 and 1

I've started a daily competition with the boy.

25 cents a day goes into a jar, he comes up with the game, the winner holds the jar. Whoever is holding the jar on his birthday gets the contents.

Day 1 was hitting golfballs. I had to hit the ball from across the yard between a street sign and a telephone pole ( about 4 feet across), he had to hit from the same distance and land it anywhere it the driveway. I can accept the fact that the weasel made the game inherantly unfair, I mean he IS 8. But I thought it was a littl much that he declared, after I pegged the pole from 40 yards, " sorry Dad, HITTING the telephone pole is not going BETWEEN the telephone pole". Stupid "no child left behind" legislation.

Day 2 I got my revenge. Two-bounce. The equlizer was that he shot foul shots from the scratch in the driveway, while I had to shoot from behind the first part or the sidewalk ( or as we've declared them, international rules). The boy underestimated the handicap and I easily schooled him 16 - 5...." quarter in the tip jar sucker !"

There intense level of competition is only exceeded by the quality of the smack talk.

I don't know what we have on tap tonight, but when I left this morning he was asking what time I'll be home so he's cooking up something.


scott haverstick said...

and some poor teacher has to deal with this 'tude the other 7 hours?

Anonymous said...

I thought hitting the foul pole was a home run?

Anonymous said...
