Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Fundamental breakdown

This past weekend marked another disappointing experience in the world of retail.

I make a conscious effort, where practical to support those businesses that make an effort to do a good job and provide a good service. I'll do so even where that service or product costs more than the alternative.

Sadly, I'm finding that regardless of cost, my options are increasingly limited.

Rather than continue to focus in the negative ( which seems all too easy these days in a world of supposed economic turmoil) , I've decided to use this post as an opportunity to talk about my positive experiences in retail.

< cue the crickets >

The last time I can remember....actually the last two times I can remember being stopped in my tracks by high quality customer service with a smile happened about an hour apart. Once getting one and then getting off the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Yeah I know...right ?! But its true, of all the places, but I've noticed that for the most part the Turnpike Toll Takers ( or whatever their official title is...maybe Revenue Accepting Associate) ..anyway...whatever they're called, they always are pleasant, friendly, and knowledgeable.

So here's a tip of the coffee mug to toll takers...the last bastion of civility in the modern world.

---for those of you reading via google reader, you're sooo missing my new twitter widget ------>

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