Wednesday, March 25, 2009

i told you this smelled funny

If you haven't read the AIG resignation letter you should.

click HERE to link to the full text.

My guess is that in October, when you learned of these retention contracts, you realized that the employees of the financial products unit needed some incentive to stay and that the contracts, being both ethical and useful, should be left to stand. That’s probably why A.I.G. management assured us on three occasions during that month that the company would “live up to its commitment” to honor the contract guarantees.


As most of us have done nothing wrong, guilt is not a motivation to surrender our earnings. We have worked 12 long months under these contracts and now deserve to be paid as promised. None of us should be cheated of our payments any more than a plumber should be cheated after he has fixed the pipes but a careless electrician causes a fire that burns down the house.


Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

Are you surprised by any of this?

Since when do fucking politicians care about the truth or even the consequences of their actions?

Appearances, soundbites and what they can convince the stupid of are all that matter.


scott haverstick said...

help! i'm not sure who this rant is aimed at.