Monday, August 22, 2005

Questions and....errr...answers ?

Warning - The following contains an observation that, if you've never noticed it before, may drive you insane. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, so read at your own risk.

I've recently become aware of the fact that women are unable to answer your question. They can and often do provide _an answer_ but are unable to provide an answer to the question that _you_ asked.

For instance... when asked something such as
- " What time does the movie start"
you'll typically get an answer similar to
- " We're meeting for dinner at 5:30"

Or go ahead and ask
- " what time are you coming home"
and you'll get
- " we have 4 stores to go to"

Go ahead and give it a try. Right now go ahead and ask any woman in earshot a simple question that requires a specific answer ( yes/no answers may not achieve the same effect) and see what you get.....go ahead.....SEE ! Freaky ins't it ?

Now go ahead and listen to two women's weirder yet. Since noticing this I've started paying attention and at times I'm stunned that they're able to comminicate with each other at all. I've sat and watched two women hold a 10 minute conversation without once making a direct reference to the same topic as the person they're conversing with....and then the two of them walked away completely understanding each other !?!?!

I'm starting to thing that it's a code they learn ( taught in the bathroom or in brazier shops or something) to keep us confused an uniformed. If so, it really is a waste as most of us don't pay attention to what they're saying half the time anyway.

Thank you to the well wishers from my problem of last Friday. There's still no resolution to the matter. I'm off to the doctor today for a cure. I hope to find some relief as it's getting pretty tough to hold a train of though and the constant dull ache is leaving me a bit confused. It's sort of like being high....if you replaced the really good feeling with your nuts hurting that is.

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