Wednesday, August 31, 2005

She said a good day ain’t got no rain

another lyrical title another day.

Here's the transcript from last night's poker game. I'm sure this makes me a bad man.

ME: Holy Shit !

A: what

ME: Holy Shit !

A: huh ? what wrong ?

ME: I didn't put a diaper on S. and she peed on the floor...and T. was carrying the laundry to the stairs and slipped and fell in it !!!!!!!!

A: Is she ok ?

ME: I don't know, I think so...ummmm, she sounds a little roughed up but she must have fallen into the puddle because she's really really pissed.

ME: pissed..ahhahah

A: What are you doing still playing poker ?

ME: I dunno, it's keeping me from laughing

Freaking spammers got me again yesterday. Now it's gotten personal. Initiating posting verification. If this doesn't work I'm going to resort to kicking people in the nuts. Preferably the people responsible.

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