Tuesday, March 07, 2006

That will learn 'em

So I was playing 50c/$1NL last night and busted some kid out of his last $20. Dejected, he asked if anyone would "lend him some money".

For kicks, and knowing that I was never going to see it again, I told the kid I'd send him $2 and he could work his was up from the 1c/2c tables, the only condition is that he'd have to pay me back $4

As he was leaving I finished with "people might think that I'll never hear from you again, but I know that you'll do what you think is right. I know I wouldn't want my karma ruined over a lousy $4"

About 10 minutes later he came back to the room and said, " dude, I transferred the money back to you...I know I'll probably lose the money, I have no way to pay you back...and I can't take that kind of pressure. I quit"

and believe it or not...the dude sent me back the $2 !

The only honest poker player ever....and I drove him out of the game.

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