Wednesday, June 07, 2006

it's alive

Back at work today for the first time since last Friday morning.

I'm not sure what the worlds record for hangovers is, but I think I have to have at least put myself on the leaderboard with that effort. At one point I was pretty sure that the bachelor party had given me MS. My wife told me that you can't get MS from drinking, but what does she know, she's not a doctor.

I'm not a very good patient. One time I had a long wait in a doctors office so I started reading those brochues that they put out. Unfortunately the flu has all the same syptoms as every disease ever. By the time I got in to see the doctor I had convinced myself I had Lupus and when she walked through the doors I burst into tears. The doctor disgustedly informed me that by my reasoning I might also be pregnant. Thankfully I had neither.

Anyway, woke sore as crap this morning...but I woke...which was a step up from the last couple days where I just laid in bed suffering. But enough about me.

Today was the first day of no school in the Flick household. Like Travolta says at the beginning of Pulp Fiction, "It's the little things." Those of you without kids cannot appreciate what life is like to have to go to bed with children crying a screaming and then wake up with the same. It's like the Chineese water torture...just louder. So last night we jacked them up on sugar, threw the longest movie we had into the DVD player and locked them in a room...." Stay up as late as you want...just don't leave this room !"...then we went to bed. I woke up this morning, got dressed, and headed out the door with total silence. To honor the beauty of the moment, Mrs. Flick and I did not speak or turn a radio or TV on...we muddled around in silence giving each other a knowing smile and a nod.

I like hockey and I like basketball...but come on, enough is enough. It's friggin June and it's still on. I'm not alone. The Stanley Cup Finals game 1 was outdrawn by women's college softball last night. That should be a wake up call.

OK, this is a terrible post, I know. But it's the first day back...gimme a day.

DOG UPDATE: Dog still alive.

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