Monday, June 26, 2006


Well, that's taken care of (from below) thank goodness. I'll spare you the details.

So yesterday I played 2.5 hours in a tournament where the top 11 played for the chance to play to get into the World Series of Poker. With 15 left I was second. I had a bad beat and knocked down to 8th...then floated around near the bottom.

A friend came onto the IM and was watching along and encouraged me to go all-in in a situation where I should have known better and I busted out in 12th and got absolutely nothing for my troubles.

Of course I flipped my lid.

I was on the verge of smashing the computer and I was seriously afraid of doing something stupid like yelling at the kids or Mrs. Flick or whatever which would be a huge asshole move. So I thought...FUCK IT...I was going to take it out on the lawn.

So I ran upstairs grabbed the mower and opened the garage door only to find out that it was raining and had been raining for a while ( its always the same weather in the poker room). FUCK ! So in a fit of rage I grabbed the electric hedge clippers and the extention cord and in my shorts and barefoot started thrashing the shit out of the bushes and hedges all around the house.

It was actually quite theraputic.

Well in my rage I got entangled in an particularly stubborn evergreen. Taking that as a personal affront I went after the bush hard, just wailing away. In my haste I didn't realize that the extention cord had become wrapped around both my bare feet and the tree and when I cut a big swath out of the tree the clippers went right into the extention cord.

There was a HUGE flash and POP ! and the cutters went dead. I pulled the clippers out of the tree and attached to the end of them was the half split cord snapping and crackling.

Well my emotional state went from rage to pure panic pretty quickly as I realized that I was standing barefoot in the rain holding a live wire at the end of some hedge clippers.

So I started screaming for the boy who was in the living room watching TV.

After wailing for 30 seconds he appeared at the door, " HOLY COW DAD !!!! WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT ?"


He walked over to the outlet watching me the whole time. When he got there he stood there.


He reached for the cord, paused, looked back and me and said, " I'm not touching that....I don't want to get electrocuted...YOU touch it."

I figured I could go one of two ways. I could yell or I could be calm. Stick or carrot. Honey or swatter. My biggest fear is that if I yelled that he would run...and I don't mean run and tell Mom...I mean run inside, lock the door, and say " fuck 'em, Mom can always remarry". So I went the other approch, " buddy....pal...Daddy's sorry he yelled. You're fine, you can't get hurt...please unplug the cord so I don't die here on the lawn and have all of my friends laugh at me on the internet"

Thankfully, that did it.

So I'm down one WSOP entry and one extension cord.

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