Saturday, April 22, 2006

the best defense is a good offense

I have been preparing some sort of defense to post after being verbally accosted over drinks last night.

Some people take my writings here quite literally and are jumping to the conclussion that I may be a mad man.

At first I was going to make the arguement that much of what I write is a hybrid of things that actually happen and things that I wish would happen. Or perhaps an apt description is that they are my twisted view on events that are really mostly benign. Then I started to try and come up with examples to illustrate my point.

As I've sat here and tried to parse which parts of my stories are things that actually occur and which things are embellishements, I've started to freak myself out a bit. It turns out that things don't start to look much better put back in context. Yeah, it sure makes me look bad if you buy into me plunking a kid in the back with the ball.....but when I try and clean it up to be more reflective of the's not like hitting him in the rib cage makes me any less awful.

You really don't sound more sane when your arguement is, " yeah, I really did say my grandma was dead to get out of going to a prom at the last minute...but you have to understand..... the other date I had that night was really hot."

I'm not sure where that leaves me but I was told last night, " You're actually a pretty good's just that you're a terrible person."

I guess I can learn to live with that.

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