Wednesday, April 19, 2006

tanks empty

I have a bunch of stuff to write about, but I got no time or energy to punch it out right now. I'm cooked.

I did get my chat taken away again on Poker Stars...I think this time it's permanent. I had just suffered a bad beat and apparently it's bad form to say, " Man, that makes me feel like a stripper at a lacrosse party". WFT, it's not like I made a 9/11 joke or something.

I stopped by baseball practice last nigth and the boy didn't know I was there. I sat for 10 minutes watching him toss his glove in the air, make fart noises with his armpit, and wrestle with anther kid. I couldn't take it anymore. I walked out on the field, dragged him to the side, and let him have it ( verbally). I'm pretty sure that my invitation to the end of the year party is already lost in the mail. Whatever. Maybe I'm a prick, but I can't let the boy grow up to be a dufus like his old man.

The evil daughter is going through the terrible 3's phase of being arguementative. She's contrary for the point of being contrary.

" Dad, what's that ?"

" That's a tool for my bike."

" no it's not"

" yes it is"

" no it's not"

" Well if it's not, then what is it ? You're the one who asked ME what it was. So tell me what it is then if it's not a bike tool ?"

" you're being mean"

" No, I'm not being mean, I'm trying to explain to you what this tool is ?"

" No you're not "


mathbach said...

why didn't you just nail him with a fast ball?

Flick said...

I didn't have one.

And before you ask, I couldn't find a rock that would work either.

I looked.