Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Fan Man

I have a couple of Sam Adams Summer Ales in me as well as what might be the worst manhatten ever made.

The local bar has gone from being a high end restaurant, to a biker bar, to a NASCAR bar, back to high end, to what it is now.... which is a dump. Unfortunately the bartenders and waitstaff have been reflective of each of the changes so I was disappointed tonight to walk in and find a pre-rehab Courtney Love behind the bar instead of last months Halle Berry. Fuck after what I suffered through tonght I'd settle for anyone from the cast of Will and Grace including the dudes. I don't recall any of them having open sores. Plus I could probably take those fuckers in a fist fight.

So my kid got what might be the coolest toy ever today. It's this bad ass plane that you pump up with air. It has tiny engines and props that run off compressed air and the thing hauls ass. I pumped the shit out it in the second flight that it took 8 people scouring the entire neighborhood 20 minutes to find the thing two blocks away on someone's roof. The planes are called Air Hogs and can be found at

I'm a tad too loaded to make much of any sense so in the meantime, I'll leave you with someone who makes much more sense than me...

Here's the first couple of chapters of a book that's as entertaining as anything else you'll find. I think it blows Confederacy of Dunces out of the water.

What's nutty is that this is the same dude who wrote E.T.

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