Monday, May 22, 2006


My youngest daughter has become fixated on death. Not in a morbid way...if that's possible, but just curious in how it fits into the whole scheme of things.

I suppose when you're three or four or whatever she is, that hearing that people die and go to heaven is sort of like trying to comprehend that grandma lives in Philadelphia. Neither carrys any connotation except that you can't possibly understand where the place is until you go there.

All of this leads to conversations that bring moral, ethical, and religous differences between my wife and I to a head. Mainly because my daughter asks all the questions that I'd like to ask. I find some humor in watching adults try to explain concepts like heaven, hell, and the trinty to a little kid who comes to conclussions like, " well that doesn't make any sense at all".

When she comes to me with such questions I do the right thing and answer with something like, " HEY ! Who wants ice cream !?" Problem solved.

Ron's kid is going through the same phase with a little difference. He's only obsessed with how people die. This obsession began with finding out that Elvis died on the crapper. Even since then when he finds out that someone has died it's like finding an extra prize in a Cracker Jack box. He breaks into a beautiful and wholely inappropriate littany of questions...." your Dad died ! How ? Did you see it ?" and equally and entertaining when he finds out that it was a run of the mill heart attack.." oh, that's it ? That's kinda boring".

I promised him that when I die I'll go out in a blaze of glory and I'll let him sit in the front seat. He's the first person who's wishing death on me, and I really don't seem to mind.

And HERE is a video of an interview gone very very wrong.

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