Friday, August 25, 2006


I don't like to use this blog as a forum for politics or anything else serious, but...

The FCC is threatening to fine CBS and has already fine PBS for two documentaries. The PBS one is interviews with some of the last remaining folks who participated in the invation of Normandy for World War II. The other is a documentary that contains footage shot inside the buildings during the collapse of the World Trade Centers and the comments of the firefighters as the battled that disaster.

In both documentaries the subjects of the interviews use the words SHIT and in the World Trade Center one they use FUCK. Specifically, " The fucking ground was shaking and I knew we better haul ass out of there".

If the stations refuse to bleep and...the is unbelievable....pixalate the mouths of of the people so their lips can't be read...that they are going to get fined up to $365,000 per curse word.

The justification for this, of course, is that this is to protect the children.

Well if you're letting your 5 year old sit around and watch a television program on a bunch of firefighters getting killed in a terrorist attack I don't think that his problem is going to be hearing the word fuck. I think his problem is going to be that his parents are asshole crackheads.

This country is insane.


Flick said...

Thank you for stating the implicit.

You're a sharp one.

Joe Hess said...

I routinely let my young child watch movies like Platoon, and We were Soldiers. It builds character.

MyHusbandRules said...

A case where the gov't is officially arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Or to quote PJ O'Rourke
"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys"