Friday, August 18, 2006

top ten bullshit lines

Top ten lines that let you know you're dealing with some real bullshit.

Please feel to add to the list:

10. A study was conducted that shows...
9. If you sign today I am able to offer you...
8. If it saves one life, then isn't it worth it ? alt:'s for the children..
7. Could you use more money and free free time ?
6. All I'm saying is....
5. Today, the White House office issued this statement...
4. Have you accepted Jesus as your personal savior ?
3. I can assure you this is not a sales call, this is a marketing research call.
2. Hello this is Comcast...all our lines are busy..please hold the line.
1. You have a second ? I only have ONE question....


Joe Hess said...

When Flick says to me, in the course of a conversation or when offering advice, "Can I be honest with you here.?"

This implies that he has never been honest to me in the past.

Joe Hess said...

Alright Flick, now you got me thinking here: I was in Turkey Hill the other day, I splurged on a half gallon of Ice Cream. I go to the check out it cost me something like $3.50. The cashier says for only a $1.50 more you can get another half gallon. I said no thanks, I only need this one. The cashier continues, well its a really good deal, I say to her; "I can see YOU have been taking full advantage of this deal." "Im not interested, I say!!!" Flick is this a deal you would be interested in?

Flick said...

Let's get something straight here.

I ask the questions and you give the answers.

Any other way, it doesn't work.

Mmmmmm, ice creammmmmmm.

Spice said...


you need to teach some I can get my swerve on in Vegas.